Electronics Engineering Consultants

Micrologic Limited

Electronics Engineering Consultants

Micrologic LimitedMicrologic News

Micrologic Limited is changing its business model and needs to assemble a small team of dedicated professional embedded systems programmers to be available for the design and development of exciting new products. The initial development contracts for these projects range between 10 hours and 90 hours, generally with ongoing maintenance. We also have a number of past projects that require maintenance and upgrade attention. Micrologic is looking for serious programmers only who are interested in developing long-term relationships. A background in C and C++ is required. Experience with IAR embedded environment for Atmel, TI, Microchip, and Silicon Labs will be helpful and a knowledge of oil and gas operations is beneficial. Top notch documentation skills are a must.

Reply with your resume to H-R@micrologic.ab.ca including your project experience and rates.



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